Thursday, November 06, 2003

I finished reading Iron Dawn by Matthew Stover last night. Very good stuff! I can't wait to start Jericho Moon tonight. What will I do when I'm finished with that? Drool until he finishes a new book, or read the two Star Wars books of his again, until I can get to a book store and take home a few more reads. I'm dying to get some more books by Kage Baker, I just love her stuff. Soon, precious, soon.

I have to admit, I haven't written a word lately. I've been slacking big time. I think once I get my apartment packed and moved and unpacked again, I may feel not-so-guilty for ignoring my housely duties. Things are mulling in the back of my head though, I haven't put it aside totally. And I do feel guilty for not working on something at least, but right now, I have enough on my plate. Yes, I'm making excuses, bad me! bad! :) Ah well...

The UN has passed a motion to put off voting on the banning of all human cloning to a two year wait. I am interested in this, and need to get more details. It's interesting to see the stuff of science fiction turn into reality. In a way, this is a very exciting time, to see all these changes while they happen. It's also interesting to think of what the future science fiction will have as it's basis. Cloning? Interstellar colonization? Aliens? Invasions, post-apocalyptic societies...will it be the same stuff or will there be something new in the future for us to wonder at?