Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The cats...

haven't had much yapping to do recently. Except for the random meowmeowMEOWmeow!! of gimme food now dangit!! I love my cat, but he's such a nag!

I'm currently reading another Neal Stephenson book. The Diamond Age. I really think I'm liking this guy a lot. His work is slick without being pretentious. Me likey! I also like the very different views of the future he puts in there. Fresh, interesting and in-depth without being an information overload.

Movies, newest thing I've seen: Serenity. Already posted about that. Anxiously awaiting the next Harry Potter movie, and Narnia. I'm sure there are more, but can't think of them at the moment.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Not much to say today...


go see Serenity.

It is a moral imperative.