Friday, June 13, 2003

In about 15 minutes, I will be leaving work for my week long escapade of non-work goodness. I can't wait! Sadly, it will be over all too soon, and then it's back to the drudgery of regular life. What else can I say, but that I hope to be totally unproductive most of the week. I may not be traveling to some exotic locale, but just not having to drive to work every day is treat enough.

I am about done reading Shatterpoint, by Matthew Stover. I just hate to put it down, it's just that exciting. Very good stuff.

Writing, well, I am thinking of it constantly. I am doing a bit more. This week will most likely be a vacation from that as well. Hopefully, I will return to a more productive writing phase, whether it all sucks or not, doesn't matter, I just have to write.


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