Monday, June 23, 2003

Monday...back to work. Tired as hell. I need a nap. The past week was cool, lots of goofing off. Getting paid for it was also a nice bonus. We went to downtown Portland to show our friend the sights. I swear I could spend hours in Powell's just drooling over the sci-fi section alone.

Welp, I finished Shatterpoint, good stuff. I may read it again soon. With as much Star Wars exposure I'm getting lately, I'm suprised I'm not dreaming about it, what with beta testing Star Wars Galaxies as well.

I got my hands on another copy of Heroes Die. (yay powell's) Will read that and Blade again soon. Just too good to read just once.

I'm now reading Requiem For The Sun, by Elizabeth Haydon, the 4th in the Symphony of Ages series. It's good, but I'm a little weirded out at the use of all the big words she has started to use in this book. She didn't do this in the last three books. I can tell this series is going to go on for a few more books. There are new characters popping up. When will it end?! The epic fantasy is starting to bore me. I need something fresh, keep me interested, be new.

Writing has been a bit on hold lately. I did write up some notes on a new idea I had. Then, the funny thing, I was in the grocery store yesterday and picked up the new Discover magazine, and what should be on the cover but the very thing I was thinking about adding to my new story idea...genetic testing at birth. I've not read the whole article yet. But, I was just surprised by that little coincedence.

~Why I Read Goodkind, and that kinda crap~

I read for entertainment, relaxation, enjoyment, escape, mostly. I choose to read adventure stories because they are fun. I don't pick all my reading material due to what literary value it might have or because someone who thinks they are in the "literary circle of righteousness" says its good and I have to read it. I read a lot. I have picked up books along the way recommended by friends, most are great. There are just too many books in the world and not enough time on my hands. I have not met a book sales person who had a clue. And I especially cannot afford to buy new books everytime I felt the need or saw something that looked interesting. If I did, I would be living in a pile of books, and unemployed due to reading 24 hours a day.

So, yes, I read pap at times. But it has to be at least, decently written pap. I read Wheel of Time up to the last book, and after that, I will wait until the Clif Notes version is printed up (I can only hope!). I refuse to buy another Jordan book after the last one. NOTHING happened. NOTHING! UGH! I will buy Goodkind's next Sword of Truth novel however. He does not have 4 billion characters to include, and thank god he doesn't spend half the time explaining what the women are wearing.


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