Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Bits and bats

Well, not much new to report. Mt. St. Helens has not blown her lid yet, steamed yes, but no full on explody. The weather's been lovely, hardly feels like October.

I've been mushing around my bigger writing project again. Still not quite sure what I want to do with it, but it's still there, lurking in the shadows, taunting me.

I will be so glad when the election is over. I feel like I'm stuck in a whirlwind of propaganda and opinion pushing. Why can't we all just get along? I got a letter in the mail today from some anti-Bush outfit I'd never heard of, begging me to register to vote, half filled out the form for me (as if I can't read). Funny thing is, I've already registered. I don't know where these goofs got my info, but they should really get a clue. Sending a form letter scrawled in bad handwriting - attempting to be personalized? - are they really assuming that I would get all sappy and sympatheic and stand up and shout YES! BY GOLLY I'LL DO IT! Please. Oye I know that once the election is over, we will still be inundated with political mediaplay and all that fun stuff. But, perhaps the party posturing will die down a tad.

Book-wise I'm still reading The Claw of the Conciliator, Gene Wolfe, good stuff.


At 11:35 AM, Blogger Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

Hi Angela. Sorry that you got an annoying registration form. Heck, they should've realized that the registration cut-off was Monday! Yergh.

Well, you know my stance on the election. When I canvass, I do my best to be as respectful and non-annoying as possible!

I'm glad you're having some momentum with your writing. I hope it stops taunting you from the shadows and comes out into the light. :)

Wolfe is still on my to-read list. Lame that I haven't checked him out yet, since that series is supposed to be amazing...


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Hehe don't feel bad about not reading Wolfe yet, my own "to read" list is a mile long. Will take awhile.

I worked on my outline yesterday, so it's getting better, less taunting more uhh working. ;)


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