Sunday, June 27, 2004

Questions of ponderance

Originality, voice and vision. Why is it ok to take something done to death and put your own spin on it? What would keep people interested in your work in this case? Good writing? Original point of view? Plot? All of it?

What could be the next trend in science/spec fiction? (i.e. cloning, space exploration, nanotech)?

Where is the next shot in the arm that sff needs to renew itself?

Things I've thought of, I have no answers yet.


At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've thought a lot about that, too. Maybe you'll be the one to discover it, eh? Then the rest of us will just ride your coat-tails, ;-)


At 10:26 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Heehee I don't know about that, but one can dream :)

The trend in sci fi has floated around in the back of my mind for a few years....As we see things in sci-fi become reality, where will sci-fi take us next? And will we continue to follow the path that general sci-fi concepts take us in life? Space colonies, nano, VR, Star Trek, etc.?

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'know, in reading Gibson's work, it seems more and more that we're headed for a VR setting. And with the SpaceShipOne mostly a success, it seems that we'll see private spaceships begin to eclipse NASA (but only if there's money to be made.)


At 11:54 AM, Blogger Angela said...

That's one thing I haven't really thought about, privately funded space travel. It's really interesting to think about all the possibilities there, good and bad. I can see the immediate use being space tourism for the rich folk. The things that I wonder about are research, regulations, government involvement, money, legal issues, the list goes on. Could you imagine someone going up in one of those, dying, and the company being sued by the family. Or being sued for the "space is boring, I want my money back!" thing? ;)

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good point! You're probably right that it would be well-regulated, no matter which party is in control. But if natural resources are found on other worlds, or in the asteroid belt, I'll bet government and various corporations will be ready to head out and get their piece of it...

And, of course, if space is too "boring," they'll begin to offer bigger thrills. Disneyworld on the Moon!!!!!!! ;-)



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