Monday, June 07, 2004

Movie Musings *spoilers inside*

Weeell, I suppose I can put up a few thoughts about The Day After Tomorrow. Saw this on Saturday. As it is definitely no spectacular feat of writing, I really got a kick out of this movie. I think seeing it on the big screen was a huge help, the effects were wild. I think every politician should be forced to watch this movie on the big screen. I'm not a rabid environmentalist, but geez, we need to be a little more aware of what we are doing to the planet, fuck the economy. The economy will bounce back...somehow. The economy is not going to save our asses in the face of global disaster. Tornadoes ripping though LA was just insane. I sat there thinking OMG I've been there! I've seen that building! *shiver* I think the thing that appealed to me so much about this movie, was that civilization as we know it was drastically slapped down. It's some weird fascination, to see how we manage the future when things go horribly wrong. What was equally disturbing, that politics still had its hold on the survival of many people. The mexican government saying "NO you can't come in." The Vice-pres being a stick-in-the-mudd at first, worried about the economy and foreign policy. The president had to get wacked in order for him to see the danger. Of course in these movies, the big wigs rarely listen to the scientists until it's too late. All in all, it was a trite script, but a fun and thought provoking ride.


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