Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Back to the 50's?!

Got this in an email as part of a petition:

President Bush has announced his plan to select Dr. W. David Hager to head up the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee. The committee has not met for more than two years, during which time its charter lapsed. As a result, the Bush Administration is tasked with filling all eleven positions with new members. This position does not require Congressional approval. The FDA's Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory Committee makes crucial decisions on matters relating to drugs used in the practice of obstetrics, gynecology and related specialties, including hormone therapy, contraception, treatment for infertility, and medical alternatives to surgical procedures for sterilization and pregnancy termination. Dr. Hager, the author of "As Jesus Cared for Women: Restoring Women Then and Now." The book blends biblical accounts of Christ healing women with case studies from Hager's practice. His views of reproductive health care are far outside the mainstream for reproductive technology. Dr. Hager is a practicing OB/GYN who describes himself as "pro-life" and refuses to prescribe contraceptives to unmarried women. In the book Dr. Hager wrote with his wife, entitled "Stress and the Woman's Body," he suggests that women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome should seek help from reading the bible and praying. As an editor and contributing author of "The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality Reproductive Technologies and the Family," Dr. Hager appears to have endorsed the medically inaccurate assertion that the common birth control pill is an abortifacient. We are concerned that Dr. Hager's strong religious beliefs may color his assessment of technologies that are necessary to protect women's lives or to preserve and promote women's health. Hager's track record of using
religious beliefs to guide his medical decision-making makes him a dangerous and inappropriate candidate to serve as chair of this committee. Critical drug public policy and research must not be held hostage by antiabortion politics. Members of this important panel should be appointed on the basis of science and medicine, rather than politics and religion.

What the hell happened to the separation of church and state?


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

Aw, geez. You give these folks an inch, and they take several miles.

"he suggests that women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome should seek help from reading the bible and praying"

Oh right, because it's all in the woman's head, and if she prays hard enough, the pain will be easier to manage. Gaaaah!

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Angela said...

Yep, guess I should find me a nice old republican conservative man to show me the way to Jesus and political correctness, so I can stay at home in the kitchen, popping out babies we can't support, send them to crappy schools where they won't learn anything past the 19th century. And I'll just say Yessir! Nossir! And when he beats me because I didn't cook dinner right, I will just smile and say Thank you, Sir! May I have another! OMG!

This kind of mentality really pisses me off. I wish these people would enter the current century and get their heads out of their asses. I don't have a problem with people following their conscience but this was supposedly a country based on the freedom of religion and choice. Don't shove religious views down other people's throats, stay out of their lives. Do NOT make political policy based on SOME people's religious values. That is not what this country is supposed to be! I am actually afraid of what the next four years is going to bring. eek! Yes, I voted, and I have every right to complain from now until the next election :p

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Mahesh Raj Mohan said...


Very well said. It's going to take angry folks to make a difference.


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because you don't understand what he's trying to say doesn't mean you should dismiss the idea. He's giving you another alternative to help you. Who knows if you read the Bible maybe you'll learn something.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Angela said...

Hey Mister Anonymous, I grew up going to Christian church. NO ONE will tell me what to do with my body. And I can only assume you are male, there are health reasons for taking the pill aside from preventing pregnancy, so maybe YOU should learn something about it before telling me to find God. Give me a break. From what I read, those people are using their professions to push their beliefs on others. They should have chosen a different profession if it did not coincide with their beliefs. Some people in this country need to learn tolerance. This is America. At least, it used to be. And dammit, I will not let any MAN tell me how to live! I'm sick of being treated as inferior because I'm female. Do not assume that just because I don't agree, that I don't understand, I am not a moron. And next time, have the guts to use your name.


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