Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Today is Tuesday. OYE! Can I please go home now? So...tired! blah well anyway...

I am about three quarters done with Requiem for the Sun. It's turned itself around. Turns out the new character was really an old character we all believed to be dead, and had hoped. The tension has gone through the roof. This may be a little pappy, but she really knows how to make you care about the characters. They are complex and flawed, but still very likeable, even if at times, you want to bonk them on the head for being completely stupid. The bad guys are just plain evil..EVIIILLL. Makes my skin crawl to think of them. However....she is working on a fifth book as I read number four. I hope she doesn't pull a Jordan.

Spent a little time on Saturday working on some story stuff. I realized that one project I have on the burner will need a lot of research to make it feasible. Must...get..to...library. One little article in Discover just ain't gonna cut it.

I want to pick up another copy of A Signal to Noise, by Eric S. Nylund and read the two books again. Those were darn good. The funny thing about working in Marin County (before I moved back to Oregon). My old boss was a sci-fi guy. He loaned me the first book. After I had read Heroes Die and Blade of Tyshalle the first time, I loaned them to him...and never saw them again :p But, I broke down and got new copies last month so that's cool now.


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