Thursday, August 28, 2003

Not too much to report this week. I got Two Towers on Dvd, and after watching the preview for Return of the King, I'm drooling with anticipation. December feels so far off. But, I still have the book to finish, I will have to be satisfied with that for now.

Also, got the Simpsons Season 3 set. Woohoo!!

I actually did a spot of writing while on the bus this morning. Sadly, I can't get much done due to a 5 minute bus ride, although the "waiting-for-second-the-bus" is a decent chunk of time to scribble down some things. Maybe I should put the book away and just write.

I went shopping with my mom yesterday, I should have picked up some finger paint at the craft store. Something about painting with no structure is therapeutic, but the finished product would be a blob of meaningless dribbles of paint. I never liked Jackson Pollock's work. Performance art is something, I feel, that should be kept to dance, music, plays, etc. Watching someone fling paint around is not what I consider art. I never really liked modern art, I'm a renaissance woman. Give me baroque, medieval, ancient, I want no abstract goo-gaws that are called art because some avante garde wanna-be says it is. There should be some technique, and passion put into it. Not to say that some of the new stuff isn't created out of passion, but it just seems so shallow and unappealing to me. Kmart, commercial, dogs playing poker, velvet elvis. How did I turn this into a debate on art? lol who knows...I think I'm too sleepy to be coherent right now. So, until next time....ZZZZZzzzzzzZZZzzzz

Saturday, August 23, 2003

I spent some time on my website last nite, while downloading a 750 mg beta build for Horizons. Got it mostly done now, raar. Was up til 2 am but hey it's there. hehe weeeeeee

Monday, August 18, 2003

Weeeee! Well, this weekend was the company picnic. It was nice. The weather was great, absolutely lovely. The park was nice, lots of things to do, peacocks running around, lots of doggies to pet. I love animals, what can I say? hehe

Yesterday we got the second season of Futurama on dvd. I love that show! I spent part of yesterday lying on the couch, munching and watching episodes, in between laundry shuffling.

Not a whole lot to mull over right now. I do need to get off my butt and work on my website stuff again. I've been seriously slacking there. But, it's not like it's very earth-shatteringly important. I have pics I need to post and I need to figure out what I'm going to do with most of the space.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Today's weather is soooo much nicer. It was hot yesterday, today, it is cloudy, windy, and cool. Me likey! Makes me want to go home and curl up in bed and sleeeep!

I don't really have anything to write about today. I'm tired.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Another Monday. WEEEE! Forgot my work keys at home. Go me!

Last night I managed to get some writing done, nothing spectacular but it's a good step. I wrote about three pages worth of an outline for my "book." Plot points basically, a bit of character development, things like that. What's funny, is I had a horrible headache at the time. But, I had some ideas lately, new angles, new things to work into it, and needed to get them into the mix. A lot has changed, again, from my previous er...direction. It's got me a little more excited about it now and I don't feel so stuck. I need some names for some of my characters, I have maybe four or five set, but a couple of the important characters are still unnamed. They haven't given me a clue what they like to be called. Soon, precious, soon.

Speaking of precious, I can't wait to see Return of the King. I saw a really nice movie poster of Aragorn (my hero) at the theatre yesterday. WEEEE I can't wait! I still need to finish that book beforehand though. Perhaps after I finish Blade of Tyshalle. Shrek 2 is also due out next summer. You know, I'm getting so tired of sequels, but I loved Shrek. It was a riot, great movie. And, yes, I love animated movies! The kid in me is still alive and kicking. I suddenly feel the need to finger paint :p

While I was at the grocery store this weekend, I saw the funniest headline ever on a tabloid. Saddam's weapons of mass destruction: Dinosaurs. With a picture of a raptor-esque lizard in the center of a pile of bodies. OMG! I about died laughing. It amazes me that people write that stuff and it amazes me even more that people will pay money for it. What is really scary, do those people believe it? Or do they buy the rags for comic relief? I think the headlines of those papers just get weirder and more out there as the years go by. What will they think of next? Earth REALLY is an experiment run by mice?

I can hardly believe it's August. Not to mention almost halfway through it already. Oye! Where does the time go?

Friday, August 01, 2003

AHHHHH!! It is so nice that the heat wave of hell has abated. It's only 80-ish now. Yeah, I know, 90-100 degrees ain't nothin. I grew up in worse heat. But, I must be getting old, I can't take the heat like I used to.

I was wondering, what is it with the current trend of celebrity names running or thinking of running for California Governor? I don't know what kind of job Gray Davis is doing, but I saw a news bit today that Larry Flint may run. And he actually believes that people will not care if they have a smut peddler for governor? Not all of Cali is liberal hippy land. I don't know though, I know next to nothing about the man, I just don't jive with what he sells. Maybe he would do a good job? It is me. Eh well.

I have a gal at work who is going into screenwriting fall term. I may have someone else who will be kicking me in the butt to get writing again :p