Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Oh I am impatiently awaiting an end to this unseasonable heat in Portland. Guh! I hate hot! I was so glad to say goodbye to California forever and get away from heat, among other things. But noooo, it's followed me here. I miss the good ole air conditioning we had in Indiana. I feel sorry for my poor cat, but I think he's handling it better than I. Goofy kittie! I'm a cloudy day, 60 degree, rain or shine weather kind of person. It's easier to get warm than to get cool.

Late last night as I was trying to get to sleep, I was thinking of taking up poetry again. I just can't seem to get any good fiction ideas going. Well, I might get an idea, but then I stall after writing a little. Perhaps poetry or some flash fiction might help me get back into the swing of writing more than a paragraph a day.


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