Monday, September 29, 2003

Last night I watched Daredevil and Bulletproof Monk. I had forgotten any of the hype I’d heard about Daredevil, I wasn’t expecting great things though. It was typical comic-book-hero stuff. But, I enjoyed it, I guess. I must get the soundtrack! It was darker than the usual comic turned movie fare, unless you count Blade. It was more of a psychological darkness though. The requisite hero loses a significant parental figure at a young age, uses his “power” to seek revenge, ends up fighting crime. It was sad though, he lost the only people he ever loved to the same murdering crime boss, to whom it’s all just “business.” The lead girl, loses mom, barely touched on, ends up losing dad as well, goes on a revenge spree, gets her ass handed to her. She was good, but just not quite good enough. During her little revenge spree practice session, where she is working with the sai and the sand was a bit depressing, listening to the song playing, and thinking of how she had to have been walking in darkness, but in denial. She was so bent on getting even, but she hid the pain. I think I would have liked this movie more if it was more developed. As it was supposed to be another “action-superhero” flick, the soft stuff wasn’t as prevalent. I am going to have to pick up the actual comic books now.

Bulletproof Monk, not a whole lot to say about this, except it wasn’t as silly as I thought it would be. I was expecting more of a slapstick silly comedy. Chow Yun Fat cracked me up though. And I can’t help but wonder what style he has trained in. I don’t know much about the guy.

I may watch Identity tonight. Will decide when I actually get home.

I started reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without reading Phillip K. Dick. It’s amazing what you see when you have someone to lead you, rather than scrambling in the dark.

I think my cat was mad at me for going out of town for a night. He would have nothing to do with me last night; usually he is meowing at me, stomping on me or sleeping nearby. This morning however, he was back to his usual clingy self, maybe he has forgiven me.


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