Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Takeovers, contracts and you...or me...or somebody

It is interesting how, when the powers that be, decide your fate, they say it's business, nothing to do with you or your job performance. It's just business, not personal. It IS personal to the people losing hours, pay, jobs, etc.

How often do people change jobs these days? Where has the time gone when the norm was to work in one job for 20-40 years? I suppose this is a relic of the 50's. Now, people are lucky to keep a job for 3 years, with all the downsizing, restructuring, losing money, etc. People who have worked hard for those years get tossed aside as if they were just a number. Finding a new job becomes something scary, and your survival depends on it. With all the competition out there clamoring for the few decent jobs, it is even harder.

It doesn't happen only in big corporations, it can happen to any size company, as I've experienced, coming up on two times now. In some ways, it can be good, change isn't always bad. But the uncertainty of where your next paycheck will come from is a panicky unknown. Even if you have a few months to can't really find a job in that time, because no one will wait for you to be's now or wait until doomsday approaches.


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

:-( Sorry to hear this, Angela. Having been unemployed for an extended amount of time, I can understand your fear.

Yes, there's a lot of competition, but then, as lame as this will sound, there's only one you, and you have the right skills for the right company.

Thoughts are with you.


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Thank you for the vote of confidence. It's harder without a degree, as funny as that sounds, a job like mine, any monkey could do, but a majority of other companies want someone with a bachelors to do the same work. It's discouraging. But, I ain't givin up ;)

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Mahesh Raj Mohan said...

Good. :-) I wouldn't worry too much about the degree thing. Chouinard got a great job, and he doesn't have a degree.

My fiancee has a degree, and she had a hard time finding work.

So I'm glad you're not giving up.

By the way, this is totally off-topic, but you remember those Portland lunches we went to? Looks like something's coming of it now, with Mary Hobson spearing the effort to get a Portland reading series going. The name for the event will be salamagundi,
and there's even a website (well, sort of: )

And a Yahoo! group:

Any and all feedback is appreciated!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Angela said...

That is great about the reading series! I like the front page for the site, too. :)

Funny, for some reason I thought Gabe had a degree.

Well, at least this change will be for the better I think.


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