Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Sci-fi Channel Suing Nasa?

This has got to be one of the oddest headlines I've seen in awhile. Being a rabid fan of sci-fi, of course I would be interested. Is this just another in the line of sue-happy incidents? Nothing better to do? Bad publicity stunt? The right to know be damned I say. Sueing NASA could lead to long legal battles costing the organization money better spent on research and development. It just feels weird to me. You would think an entity such as this would be more interested in positive relations with NASA and the government. God knows they need better programming options. Can anyone say "Firestarter II"? Bleh. This just feels too much like tabloid journalism and hype to me. If they truly wanted Sci-fi news related material, review some hot new sci-fi authors, show NASA news, don't pester the government and NASA to cough up stuff that may or may not exist which could be viewed as a threat to national security. How would it look to the rest of the world if there was a cover up? Government looks bad. If there truly was no extraterrestrial spaceship whatever, then the population looks bad. hyuck! we believe everything we read in the tabloids!

WEEEE! Love that news. The cookie crumbling news bit was too much. But, at least that's better than the alternative bad news. We get enough of that day in and day out. Let's have some cute and fuzzy bunny news.


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