Monday, December 15, 2003

I've been avoiding writing lately. Completely not writing anything, no ideas, nada. I was starting to feel stressed that I wasn't producing anything substantial. So, I quit for awhile. The need hasn't left though. I am feeling the itch to start again, which is what I wanted. To just walk away from it for awhile, get back to why I write in the first place. Because I damn well like to do it. Not because I feel like I should do it. At least, right now, with all the other stress I've had to deal with, I was stressing myself out with that, too. Soooo, where to go from here? We shall see. I think I can refocus now.

Book wise, I've finished Jericho Moon by Matthew Stover, loved it! Great stuff. Now I'm reading Naked Empire by Terry Goodkind, wanting to punch him in the nose. This one is just bad. I am clearly not surprised, but wanted to read it since I had it. It is almost insulting the way he wrote this one. It's like he thinks his readers aren't smart enough to make connections themselves, and have to have it all spelled out, and everything rehashed again, just in case you forgot what happened earlier. At least the last Wheel of Time book wasn't this trite. I will be sooo happy when I can go buy some more books.


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